Lonnie DeSorcy

Author's posts

Yoga for Better Sleep

  Research abounds: adequate, high quality sleep is required for optimal health.  Excess weight, heart disease, decreased immunity, mood disorders are all associated with insufficient rest. So you know how important it is, but still find it difficult to get to sleep at night?  Fall asleep but wake up a few hours later and can’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/yoga-for-a-good-nights-rest/

UPCOMING: Living Your Wholeness Mini Workshop

  Couldn’t take six days off work, leave the family behind or afford a $1400 stay in beltline Calgary?  Didn’t register in time to take part in a sold-out world-class retreat? Hot off a six-day residential retreat with internationally-renowned yoga therapist, Richard Miller, I will offer highlights of my experience to students in this two-hour …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/upcoming-living-your-wholeness-mini-workshop/

How to Overcome Difficulties

  I have a confes­sion to make. This is very hard to admit, especially since I make my way through the world as a yoga therapist, healthy-for-life coach, spiritual director, wife and mother. The difficult admission is this: Sometimes I am floundering and afraid. Actually, not just sometimes. Often. During those frequent times, I­­’ve noticed …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/how-to-overcome-difficulties/