
Author's posts

How Does Yoga Work?

  A big question. I can’t pretend to even touch the surface of this huge topic in a simple and quick blog post. Likely I will write more about it in future. However, I do think I’d like to advance a few ideas. Probably everyone with an interest in yoga has asked themselves what makes …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/how-does-yoga-work/

HAPPY belated THANKSGIVING! (and a story about laundry)

We live in a culture and age that is, by most people’s standards, privileged.  We really do have so much for which to be grateful. It’s overwhelming, almost. And yet, Thanksgiving, like other festivals or holidays, can evoke conflicting emotions in us. Finding gratitude in one’s heart can be difficult when you are having a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/happy-belated-thanksgiving-and-a-story-about-laundry/

Expectations Can Be CAPTIVating

You head to yoga class pumped to do a vigorous heating practice but discover that your teacher has planned a restorative session. You make your way through terrible traffic and crazy weather when you’d rather be at home only to find that your teacher isn’t quite himself that week.  You spend class building up to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://yoginsight.com/expectations-can-be-captivating/